Home » Courtesy Visit of the Director General of Africa CDC, H.E. Dr Jean Kaseya to H.E. Umaro Sissoco Embalo, President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
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Courtesy Visit of the Director General of Africa CDC, H.E. Dr Jean Kaseya to H.E. Umaro Sissoco Embalo, President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau

 Coming from Comoros and landing in Guinea Bissau on May 12, 2023, H.E. Dr. Jean Kaseya, the Director General of Africa CDC, paid a courtesy visit the same day to H.E. Umaro Sissoco Embalo, the President of ECOWAS and Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

President Embalo welcomed Dr Jean Kaseya and his delegation in Bissau and renewed his commitment to support Africa CDC as the autonomous public health agency of the African Union in addressing health threats across the Africa continent. President Embalo reiterated his support for Africa’s common position in global health agenda debates, especially for the upcoming high-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response during the United National General Assembly in September 2023, aligning with Agenda 2063 and the Africa New Public Health Order. 

Dr. Jean Kaseya commended President Embalo’s exceptional leadership in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a positive impact not only on Guinea Bissau but also on other African countries.

Dr Kaseya shared his vision of African with efficient and digitized health systems capable to prevent and response to pandemics and epidemics in the context of climate change and one health. Both President Embalo and Dr Kaseya agreed on the importance of innovative financing initiatives to achieve financial sustainability of Africa CDC and health systems in Africa.

On May 13, 2023, H.E. Dr. Jean Kaseya attended the 24th ECOWAS Assembly of Ministers of Health focusing on appropriate Health workforce for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.  Dr Jean Kaseya shared that only 10% of African countries currently possess adequate human resources with the necessary technical expertise to effectively prevent, prepare, and respond to emergencies. In light of this, Africa CDC is prioritizing the advancement of the community health workforce agenda in Africa in addition to pushing the agenda of local manufacturing of counter-measures and sustainable financing.


Source : Africacdc
