The Kabwata police have successfully arrested an individual impersonating a medical doctor in connection with a fraudulent operation at Chawama Hospital. The suspect, identified as Dr. John Mulenga, was apprehended on November 24, 2023, at East Park Mall, and is currently in custody pending a court appearance.
The arrest follows a report filed by Irene Njovu, a 25-year-old resident of an unmarked house in Chilenje. Njovu reported the impersonation after experiencing gynecological complications and being introduced to the suspect by her husband, Joseph Mwale, aged 29.
According to the report, the suspect claimed to be Dr. John Mulenga, associated with an unknown residence in Chipata Compound. The imposter convinced Njovu to make an appointment for a medical operation, allegedly scheduled for November 24, 2023, at Chawama Hospital.
Before the supposed operation, the suspect collected K650 from Njovu for the medical procedure. However, suspicions arose just before the operation, leading to the discovery that the alleged medical practitioner was, in fact, an impersonator with no medical qualifications.
The police were alerted, and the suspect was swiftly apprehended at East Park Mall around 18:30 hours on the same day. The suspect is currently in police custody, awaiting formal charges and a court appearance.
Rae Hamoonga, the Police Public Relations Officer, emphasized the commitment of law enforcement to ensuring the safety and well-being of the public. He urged citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police promptly.
The case serves as a stark reminder for individuals to verify the credentials of healthcare professionals and seek medical services from recognized and authorized institutions to safeguard their health and well-being.
Source: Lusaka Times