Home » IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings: UM6P Launches New Initiative to Raise Africa’s Voice
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IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings: UM6P Launches New Initiative to Raise Africa’s Voice

Rabat – Morocco’s Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) has announced the launch of an initiative to highlight challenges facing Africa on the sidelines of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund annual meetings, which will kick off in October in Marrakech.

In a press release on Thursday, the Benguerir-based university stressed that it will organize a series of conferences under the Voice of Africa initiative, bringing together political, scientific, and business leaders to discuss various challenges facing the continent,  including food security, sustainable development, and entrepreneurship.

“Alongside the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings, ‘The Voice of Africa’ side event aims to highlight African challenges to an international audience,” the university said, noting that it will seize the opportunity to convey the continent’s voice on crucial issues for Africa’s development.

The Voice of Africa events will also include thematic days covering the cultural and creative industries as well as the African diaspora.

“These events are not open to Annual Meeting participants only, but also to the national and international publics,” the university explained.

UM6P also promised a key list of participants and important figures, including Nobel Peace Prize and World Food Prize winner Rattan Lal, who is known for his research on soil and food security.

Renowned economist and author Jacques Attali will also attend, along with soil expert Daniel Nahon as well as Atos Afrique CEO Alpha Barry.

Silvia Massruha, President of EMBRAPA, will also attend the event.

The initiative will take place at UM6P’s Solutions Village, which the university has equipped with advanced technological innovations.

The university has invited all researchers and potential contributors who wish to to participate in the parallel events to register at the following website: https://bit.ly/UM6PVoiceOfAfrica2023.

Marrakech will host the annual meetings of the World Bank and the IMF on October 9-15. 

Following the devastating earthquake that struck central Morocco – in particular the Al Haouz regions – on September 8, many expressed concerns about the city’s ability to host such an important event. 

On September 18, however, a joint press statement from the IMF, the World Bank, and Morocco’s Economy Ministry announced that the meetings would take place in the city as originally planned. 

“Key considerations were that the Meetings would not disrupt vital relief and reconstruction efforts and that the safety of the participants can be assured,” the IMF statement said, noting that the management of the World Bank and IMF, together with the Moroccan authorities, have “agreed to proceed with holding the 2023 Annual Meetings in Marrakech from October 9 to 15, adapting the content to the circumstances.

All stakeholders also agreed  that  the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings will also serve as an opportunity for the international community to “stand by Morocco and its people, who have once again shown resilience in the face of tragedy.” 

Source : Morocco World News
