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Some Millers Reduce Mealie Meal Prices

Some millers have adjusted the price of mealie meal in an effort to provide cheap mealie meal on the market.

A check in various retail outlets has revealed a downward trend in the price of mealie meal ranging between K189 and K282 for a 25kg bag of breakfast meal.

A 25kg bag Africa Milling selling at K248, Star Milling is selling at K274, super breakfast at K282 with Nutrition Breakfast meal selling at K189.

And in an interview with Phoenix News, Millers Association of Zambia president Andrew Chintala has attributed the price reduction to the distribution of cheap Zambia National Service Eagle’s mealie meal which is selling at K230 for a 25kg bag of breakfast.

Mr Chintala explains that millers have opted to reduce the purchasing price of maize to ensure affordable mealie meal on the market and address the demand.

Source: The Zambian Observer
