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Stop Playing Victim Tayali Urges PF, as Bowman Lusambo is Arrested

Police formally arrested and charged five individuals, including Bowman Lusambo, a prominent figure associated with the Patriotic Front (PF), for the offense of Unlawful Assembly. The charges are in contravention of Section 74 and 75 of the Penal Code Act Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

The individuals arrested are Bowman Lusambo, 47, of Chamba Valley in Lusaka; Saidi Chibwana, 52, of Industrial Area in Kabwe; Matthews Changwe, 39, of Kasanda Mine Area in Kabwe; Martin Simfukwe, 44, of Makululu Compound in Kabwe; and Billy Sichamba, 52, of Bwacha in Kabwe. The alleged offense occurred on November 2, 2023, at Kabwe town center along the Great North Road in Kabwe District.

Police Public Relations Officer, Rae Hamoonga, confirmed the joint arrest and charges, emphasizing the alleged violation of laws pertaining to assembly. All suspects have been released on police bond and are expected to appear in court in the near future.

However, the arrests have triggered a wave of controversy, with political commentator Chilufya Tayali, self-proclaimed “Public Lawyer of the Public Court of Opinions,” expressing skepticism about the Patriotic Fronts reaction to the situation. Tayali questioned whether the previous administration, the PF, would have tolerated a similar scenario during their tenure.

Tayali further urged those in opposition to exercise restraint, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace in the country. He cautioned against playing the victim and highlighted the need for responsible political behavior.

“Police Public relations officer have told you, you are not in power, behave yourselves,we need order.” he said.

“Let’s be honest, would PF, when they were in power, allow UPND cadres to just spring up anywhere in support of any of their leaders like what happened to Bowman Lusambo in Kabwe where he had been summoned by police. Why do you want to play victim when you know better about such politics. Just behave yourselves, you are not in power. We want peace in our Country.What do you expect the police to do when you have outnumbered them as cadres,” Tayli reiterated

Source: Lusaka Times
