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Tanzania, Zambia Plan Joint Brazil Investment Forum

The Embassies of Zambia and Tanzania based in Brazil plan to host a joint economic, trade, tourism and investment forums in that country to showcase the opportunities that are in the two countries.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Brazil Glyne Michelo says through the forum Zambia and Tanzania will be able to woo investment in the individual country’s through working together.

Mr. Michelo was speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Tanzania’s Ambassador to Brazil Adelardus Kilangi.

And, Professor Kilangi, who is also Chairperson for Southern Africa Development Community-SADC-Group of Head of Missions in Brazil, expressed delight at Zambia’s desire to work with Tanzania in advancing trade, tourism and investment.

He said Zambia and Tanzania working together will greatly minimize on cost and the difficulties individual embassies face when organizing such activities.

This is according to a statement issued by Zambia’s First Secretary-Press to Brazil Lloyd Kapusa.

SOurce: ZNBC
