Home » Videos of Munir Zulu Accusing Govt Minister of Corruption are Authentic – Witness
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Videos of Munir Zulu Accusing Govt Minister of Corruption are Authentic – Witness

A digital forensic analyst has confirmed that the videos downloaded from Facebook featuring Lumezi member of parliament accusing two government ministers of engaging in corruption are authentic.

Bagrey Chanda Sindhowe, a detective sergeant at Police Force Headquarters under the digital forensics department said he is not competent to talk about the events leading to Zulu’s arrest as he did not investigate the case.

This is in a matter were Zulu is facing three counts of libel.

Testifying before Lusaka chief resident magistrate Davies Chibwili, Sindhowe said he received a request from the dealing officer to examine two videos relating to the press briefing Zulu held at parliament were he accused two government ministers of being under investigations by the Anti Corruption Commission for graft.

He said he was given links to the videos.

“The links were tested and found to be valid on the internet. The video under the link was the same I downloaded using a Facebook downloader,” Sindhowe said.

The video was played in Court and later admitted as evidence.

During cross examination by Zulu’s lawyer Nkhula Botha, Sindhowe confirmed that he was not suitable to comment about the allegations as he did not investigate the case.

Zulu is in court for accusing two government ministers of having received a bribe from a contractor of the Lusaka- Ndola dual carriageway.

It is alleged in count one, that Zulu published defamotory matter through a press conference which he held on March 3, 2022 alleging that that Finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane received a corrupt transfer of $250,000 from an unknown campany.

It is alleged in the second count that Zulu at the same press briefing, accused Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Minister Charles Milupi of equally received the same amount through a bank transfer.

In the third count it is alleged that Zulu on March 3, 2023, aspersed that Mulchand Kuntawala greased Milupi’s palms with $150,000 so that he could secure the position of Board Chairman for the Road Development Agency (RDA).

According to Zulu, Kuntawala was given his position two days after he made the corrupt transfer.

Source: The Zambian Observer
