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Tanzanian Diplomat Lauds UNGA Addressing Climate Change

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Tanzania’s deputy foreign minister spoke to Rudaw on the sidelines of the 78th UN General Assembly on Tuesday, praising the topics discussed at the event that touched upon the pressing issues of climate change and food security.

The high-level week of the 78th annual UNGA commenced on Tuesday and will continue through next week. Hundreds of world leaders and delegates have gathered in New York to attend the event, with around 150 heads of states and governments set to deliver speeches.

The theme of this year’s summit is “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability for all.”

“I think very important topics are being discussed, especially on the climate change, on food security, and security also in most parts of the world which are now in crisis,” Tanzanian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Mbarouk Nassor Mbarouk told Rudaw’s Sinan Tuncdemir.

Tanzania developed its first National Climate Change Strategy in 2012 to curb the negative impact of the global phenomenon on the country. The 2021 revised version of the strategy aims to enhance Tanzania’s resilience to the challenges that might arise from climate change through adopting mitigation interventions such as low emission development strategies.

The Tanzanian official also lauded US President Joe Biden’s speech during the event, especially the emphasis on the need for more work to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

“We all have to do more,” said Biden during his remarks at the UNGA on accelerating the progress on SDGs, adding “we need to build new partnerships that change the way we tackle this challenge to unlock trillions of additional financing for development, drawing on all sources.”

Source : Rudaw
